Most City launches a material collection for Ukraine. Establishes a collection point in Central. When, where and what exactly to bring? - EPG GPI

Most City launches a material collection for Ukraine. Establishes a collection point in Central. When, where and what exactly to bring?

The city Most establishes in cooperation with the shopping mall Central Most collection point where people can bring material aid to Ukrainian families fleeing the war in their country. In Most it will be possible to bring the necessary items to the collection point in the former ORESI kitchen store, which you will find on the right before entering Central on 1. náměstí. The collection point will start its operation on Tuesday, March 1 and will be open until further notice from Monday to Friday, always from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

“Currently, we will help by opening a collection point to collect things for those in need and ensure they are given to where they are needed. This is one of the steps we are taking, of course we are ready to help in other ways as well. I thank everyone for the huge wave of solidarity,” says the mayor of the city Most Jan Paparega.

“I am very happy that we are with the City Most in close contact and that we agreed on organizing this support for Ukraine in a very short time,” said Martin Malý, director of marketing and communication of the shopping Mall Central Most.

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